Giving to those in need is a wonderful expression of love and caring...
In years past my mother had a neighbor family that was poor and struggling because the husband was off work on disability. One evening the wife knocked on Mom’s door, asking if Mom might have an extra dishpan she could use. This lady said she was having trouble washing her dishes without a dishpan.
Mom didn’t have an extra dishpan, but she would not send her neighbor away without helping her. She brought out a very large kettle which she used for canning purposes (a favorite kettle), and she offered it to the neighbor to use as a dishpan. The neighbor was very moved and grateful for Mom’s kindness.
Always Mom would help where there was a need. She was not rich but was a very bright light throughout her life to those who knew her.
“(Charge them) to do good, to be rich in good works, to be liberal and generous-hearted, ready to share (with others)."
I Timothy 6:18 Amplified Bible
© 2013 Arlene Schwartzkopf