I have always been grateful for the unique way the Holy Spirit leads in any given situation.....
In years past I played the piano in a large church. In this setting there was a worship leader, a pianist and an organist. The worship leader would "move" as she was led by the Spirit, and we followed along on the instruments.
On one Sunday morning we had a very well-known guest speaker. He preached a powerful sermon and, at the end, he broke into singing the old hymn, "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand....."
As was the norm at this point, whenever a leader would start singing, the organist and I would move back to the instruments and start to play along. I started to move, but my feet were "stuck" in place. I tried again to step forward, but my feet were literally "planted". A moment later I heard the Holy Spirit say, "He's (the speaker) in the key of F sharp, and you won't be able to play it strongly enough." The crowd had been uplifted by the morning's message, and they were singing this old hymn with much enthusiasm.
As the service closed I stepped over to the piano to "check out" what key we had been singing in. And we were indeed in the key of F sharp. When we got home from church I sat down at the piano and tried to play the hymn in that key... and couldn't. I stumbled badly.
I was so-o-o grateful the Holy Spirit stopped me that day. My feet felt as though my shoes had been glued to the floor!
© 2007 Arlene Schwartzkopf