A Children's Poem
"Little birdie on a limb,
I see your nest outside my window.
I watched you as you built it there
With grass and twigs you found below.
I saw you sitting on the nest,
Swaying gently in the breeze.
Then I saw some little eggs
And knew there would be babies.
One day I heard some chirping sounds
And looked to see what that might be.
Sitting there with mouths wide open,
There they were - your babies three.
I watched you as you came and went.
Back and forth you flew
To bring your babies seeds to eat.
Papa bird was busy, too!
I saw the little babies grow
And loved to hear them sing.
But I knew that one day soon
The babies would take wing.
Little birdie on a limb,
When you leave and fly away,
Maybe you could come again
And sing for me some other day."
© 2005 Arlene Schwartzkopf