Not very old was this little boy...
Just two and a half, but oh, what a joy!
He was playing outside when he found a plum.
He smiled very brightly. His eyes said, "Yum-yum".
We told him that this was the wrong kind.
These were the kind that birds like to find.
He threw up his arms with a plum in each hand,
Calling, "Here, birdie, birdie," in child-like command.
But the birds were so high in the trees that day,
They did not hear... they were too far away.
His little arms got tired and dropped to his side.
He said, "Can't reach. Can't reach"... though he tried.
How touching to see this sweet little boy
With his arms lifted up and his face filled with joy.
He already knew about how birds could fly,
But then he was sad that they flew so high.
© 2006 Arlene Schwartzkopf