A Vision
I saw the sounds (music) of heaven..... iridescent, shimmering.....
The sounds are like "beads" of light..... tiny droplets full of liquid, embodying the life (life-giving presence) of Christ.
I saw "showers" of colored lights in the night sky..... as though handfuls of these little light beads had been thrown forth across the heavens..... first in one direction..... then in another..... almost resembling a color burst in a fireworks display. They were there for a few seconds and then dissolved into a refreshing dew filtering down. The "life" in the beads settled on all. I could feel the effect but could not see it or contain it as it settled.....
Perhaps the angels' wings fan the sprinkles of light beads through the air as their wings create a gentle wind.....
A dimension set apart. It is there all the time, but any touch of harshness will shut it away from our view.
The Spirit woos us..... "Come away, My beloved..... and enter in....."
© 2004 Arlene Schwartzkopf