If you choose to laugh and sing
Life will have a bright new ring.
Singing makes your heart to smile
And lends your face a bright profile.
If you sing, you won’t be “down”
Or even think to wear a frown.
Choose to sing a happy tune.
From “grumbles” you will be immune.
Laughter is a healing stream,
The weight of burdens to redeem.
Worries will be less than half
If you will just relax and laugh.
Let your singing “bubble up”
And some laughter fill your cup.
Rejoice and sing, and don’t be sad!
Our God would have us to be glad!
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.”
Proverbs 17:22 KJV
“A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance.”
Proverbs 15:13 KJV
© 2013 Arlene Schwartzkopf