When a flower is planted it must grow strong roots. And as it grows we will start to see buds form... growing promise of lovely blooms. As the petals of the blossoms unfold and issue forth fragrance we see God’s handiwork in full bloom.
If I could grow into a lovely flower, I think I would like to be a rose. But if He would want me to be a lilac or a daffodil, then that is what I must be to fulfill His promise for me. First I must ask the Lord where He wants to plant me, for I know He would plant me in good soil. Then I must receive His nurturing so my roots will be strong. (I cannot rush this process, for if I’m not well-rooted I will not be a strong plant). In His timing I will start to grow buds. As I receive His loving care, then I will blossom and have fragrance... evidence of His creativity.
I can become my radiant best as I allow Him to prune me and remove weeds which would sap nourishment from my roots. His Word is my nourishment. He is my Light. In Him I have promise of beauty and fragrance.
“For in him we live, and move, and have our being...”
Acts 17:28 KJV
© 2014 Arlene Schwartzkopf