(A Message To Seniors)
Sometimes if we don’t know what we should be doing and don’t see much happening around us, we begin to question what our purpose might be...
If you have a family, you are as a pillar of anchor for them. You are more important than you think you are. God’s purpose in you is a point of strength for those who follow. If you do not have family there will be others who have been encouraged and strengthened because of you.
Do not let weariness cause you to lose focus. Being a “pillar” is not at all boring. It is a worthy purpose with exciting potential. Knowing that God is using you will add joy and peace to you each day.
Do not be discouraged, but stand in place. “Pillars” are important in the Kingdom of God!
“Let Your work (the signs of Your power) be revealed to Your servants, and Your (glorious) majesty to their children.”
Psalm 90:16 Amplified Bible
“The beauty of old men is their gray head (suggesting wisdom and experience).”
Proverbs 20:29 Amplified Bible
© 2014 Arlene Schwartzkopf