“Pruning” is a scary term,
But God does this so we excel.
He prunes and trims away those “twigs”
Which cause us to not function well.
When little “sprouts” and “suckers” grow
Our thinking simply isn’t clear.
God rescues us from too much “brush”.
His pruning we should never fear.
He prunes away what saps our strength,
Enabling us to bear good fruit.
Though pruning may not feel good
His care for us we should salute!
”Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit (that stops bearing) He cuts away (trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit.”
John 15:2 Amplified Bible
© 2014 Arlene Schwartzkopf