Pride just marches to and fro.
Of its “merits” it will crow.
It doesn’t see and doesn’t hear
And simply doesn’t seem to fear.
It cuts one off from wisdom’s gold.
It’s empty, even though it’s bold.
Pride will never “know it all”.
It will always fail or fall.
Bow in reverence... make pride flee
Until with wisdom you agree.
To pride’s inroads close the door.
Reverence leads to wisdom’s store.
“When swelling and pride come, then emptiness and shame come also; but with the humble - those who are lowly, (who have been pruned or chiseled by trial) and renounce self - is skillful and godly Wisdom and soundness.”
Proverbs 11:2 Amplified Bible
© 2014 Arlene Schwartzkopf