Young folks frown upon "the past"
Because they're traveling too fast.
"It's passe', it makes me yawn.
I have no intrerest... it is gone!"
They desire "the latest thing".
Whatever's "in"... to that they cling.
They are caught up in "today".
"Near the action" they will stay.
Some are speeding toward tomorrow,
Buying things (for which they borrow).
They are in a fruitless race
And need to find a balanced pace.
The past had values all should learn,
And for it's wisdom they should yearn.
To have perspective for today,
Important choices they must weigh.
Some things change, but some things don't.
Jesus' life and teaching won't.
Foundation which He gives is sound.
In Him is right perspective found.
"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever."
Hebrews 13:8 KJV
© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf