Saturday, March 21, 2009

In The Garden

It's fun to plant a garden
And watch each flower grow...
To see the plants begin to bloom
And each one make it's "show".

When the plants are looking good
We really do feel proud.
We think we can relax a bit.
(Some "bragging" is allowed!)

But seeking shelter underneath
Each precious growing bloom
Are seeds and weeds and foreign plants,
Trying to find room.

They collect there quite unseen
And also start to grow.
And soon we have unwanted plants,
"Sneaking in" below.

And so we must be vigilant
To pull out all the weeds
Which are not meant to flower there
And give off their own seeds.

Seeds and weeds are "foreign".
Don't let them have a place,
For they will just take over.
Don't give them any space!

© 2009 Arlene Schwartzkopf