My doctors sent me for a test.
Till it was done I couldn't rest.
I longed to hear a good report,
But what I heard was somewhat "short"...
"Come back again for one more test."
I was starting to get stressed!
This, to me, was not good news,
An answer that I would not choose.
I called and asked some friends to pray
As I went back the following day,
Bracing for what could be hard,
Asking God my health to guard.
O'er and o'er the tests were run,
And finally they said, "We're done."
Because the testing took so long
I really wondered what was wrong.
It seems they simply couldn't find
Whate'er the enemy had designed.
What they first saw wasn't there!
God intervened and answered prayer.
He was there... He heard my cry
To cover me and stay nearby.
He did not leave me all alone
But carried me through the unknown.
"I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears."
Psalm 34:4 KJV
© 2009 Arlene Schwartzkopf