Friday, November 02, 2007

The Vine And The Tree

Said the tree unto the vine,
"Why do you lean on me?
You should grow your own strong trunk,
Not wrap around a tree!"

Said the vine unto the tree,
"I can't grow tall alone,
So if I cling to you
I'll get up where I am known!"

But you smother and take over
And my branches cannot breathe!
I need to grow up tall and
I don't like the way you wreathe!

"Therefore, Vine, I counsel you,
Since you were meant to 'creep'.
I will not let you cling to me.
My mission I must keep.

"It's good to stick to who you are...
A pretty flowering vine.
You have a different purpose,
And it's not the same as mine.

"So as you stay near to the ground
And cover things down low,
You will be seen by many
As you make your flowery show."

"Every purpose is established by counsel..."
Proverbs 20:18 KJV

© 2007 Arlene Schwartzkopf