I had a teacher who was neatly dressed.
His students took notice and were much impressed.
He had a good sense of color and style.
He always looked nice and had a big smile.
One of the students made comment one day
On how nice he dressed, and he answered this way,
"I'm not very good-looking, so I may as well
Be good to look at!" (And he did excel!)
He taught us fine music which truly inspired,
And set good example which we much admired.
The students learned more than just music in choir.
To learn to be like him became our desire.
He set a high standard, by which we were blessed.
We learned to work hard and respond with "our best".
As I look back to that time long ago
I know that it changed me... a great debt I owe.
© 2007 Arlene Schwartzkopf