Will you trust Me, My child,
When I'm shaping your life.....
When I "press in" to mold you
And change what is rife?
For I know your "change-point"
And what it will take
A vessel of worth
And import to make.
Will you trust Me, My child,
When the "fire" becomes hot
Or you don't understand
Exactly your lot?
I'll never forsake you
Nor leave you alone,
But will constantly guard
What to you is unknown.
I will make beauty
And merit and worth,
And to virtue and honor
I will give birth.
Will you trust Me, My child
And savor My touch?
Will you trust Me, My child?
I love you SO MUCH!
"But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand."
Isaiah 64:8 KJV
© 2006 Arlene Schwartzkopf