Moving means work..... and a time of review.
There are cupboards and boxes and drawers to go through.
Where did it come from..... all of this "stuff"?
If we move half of it we'll have enough!
We'll rediscover some things we had lost.
Now we must deal with what should have been "tossed".
All of those things that we tried to collect
We really don't need..... as we stop to reflect.
Moving is "painful"..... it's not any fun,
And we sure will be glad when it's over and done.
We've learned not to store stuff and think we will find
We won't even miss that which we leave behind.
This is a picture of how we will feel
As we follow Jesus and learn what is real.
He will make change in our lives every day
And cause all our "baggage" to just fall away.
"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
Colossians 3:2 KJV
© 2006 Arlene Schwartzkopf