What a joy, what a privilege..... to withdraw into the quiet places with the Lord.....
When all is still and all the issues of the day
come to rest.... and when my mind is uncluttered and receptive.
There in the stillness I can enter in. A door opens..... and I sense the presence
of the Spirit.
As I wait, His presence causes the very atmosphere to change. For I lose track of self and only am aware of Him. This is the place of new life and refreshing..... communion with Him.
As He speaks I know that I will see with new eyes and hear with new ears and that I will have new perspective.
And so I seek the quiet places, knowing He will meet me there.....
And my life is enriched.
"How lovely is Your tabernacle, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God."
Psalm 84:1-2 NKJ
© 2004 Arlene Schwartzkopf