It seems the heart is made up of tears.....
and tears are an expression of the heart.
When the heart is touched tenderly,
the tears will be soft and gentle.
When the heart is jarred or surprised,
the tears will be nervous tears.
When the heart is hurt or wounded,
the tears are painful, and
sometimes cannot even come forth.
When the heart is happy,
the tears are mingled with warmth and laughter,
healing and release.
When Jesus touches the heart,
Love is birthed there...
And the tears bring renewal and change.
For His gentle touch will cause the
painful tears to be forgotten,
And will fill the heart with happy tears.
He is the Master of all our tears.....
"You put my tears into Your bottle."
Psalm 56:8 NKJ
© 2004 Arlene Schwartzkopf