Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Child's Heart-Feelings

My mom is nice... the best of all!
She is there whenever I "call".
She seems to know most everything!
I love her lots! She makes me sing!

When I fall she wipes my tears.
She holds me tight when I have fears.
She cheers me up when I feel sad
And makes me laugh so I'll feel glad!

She reads me books I can't yet read,
And seems to know just all I need!
She and I have so much fun!
She's my friend... a special one!


By our actions and our faith
We leave a heritage behind.
The patterns of the way we live
In children later come to mind.

Righteousness becomes a banner
Held up high for them to see.
Love and kindness reaching out
Will spread and as pure gold will be.

We may never be well known,
And though we’re ordinary folks,
Through the patterns of our lives
Our children may become as "oaks".

“Her children arise up and call her blessed...”
Proverbs 31:28 KJV

© 2015 Arlene Schwartzkopf