We often think a life of ease
Is something that would really please,
But more exciting is a role
Where we can reach a treasured goal.
Work we love will spur us on
And keep us from becoming wan,
Causing us to grow and bloom.
For growth we always should make room.
When you step out and explore
You may find new joy in store.
Choose a goal which brings delight
And it will make your days be bright.
Often learning a new skill
Your life with richness will fulfill.
Do not be afraid to try.
In all your work to God draw nigh...
"And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it."
Psalm 90:17 KJV
© 2015 Arlene Schwartzkopf