In God and the Word we have a sure footing,
A firm place to stand against storm and “uprooting”.
Should turmoil come to knock at our door,
We will stand strong against its loud “roar”.
We will not shrink or be blown away.
Knowing the Lord will give strength in that day.
We do not know what each day may bring.
God is our strength... to Him we must cling.
Invite Him to come... within you to dwell.
Practice and study... to know the Word well.
Herein is strength for every new day
And wisdom to keep us from going astray.
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty (Whose power no foe can withstand). I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I (confidently) trust!”
Psalm 1:1-2 Amplified Bible
© 2014 Arlene Schwartzkopf