Some folks sweep across the surface of a situation
And appear to know just how to get a project done.
But when they move ahead in haste, without attention to detail,
They may have to start again the project first begun.
Success will often rest within their fine attention to details
And diligence to oversee those things which may seem small.
A project which may have a flaw will never seem to be complete
And may not be successful or dependable at all.
When “rushing” cuts a project short, in efforts to impress,
“Haste makes waste” will hover near and sometimes bring distaste.
How much wiser then to pause and make sure everything is right,
With no detail overlooked in hurrying and haste.
“A faithful man shall abound with blessings...”
Proverbs 28:20 KJV
© 2013 Arlene Schwartzkopf