A rose is perhaps the most loved flower.....
It rises forth out of a homely-looking wood stalk. The stalk is sometimes gnarled and may have been “wounded” or broken at some time. There may have been times of drought and seasons of severe cold..... and yet each year it bursts forth in glory and presents us with all the beauty and fragrance which can be found anywhere in a flower.
My favorite rose is a rich, velvety red and grows on long, sturdy stems. When it blooms it reminds me of all the majesty and power of our Lord Jesus. The rich velvet of the petals reminds me of His royalty. When I cut a bloom and bring it inside, it’s fragrance fills my house. This is precious, because I want Jesus’ fragrance to always fill the rooms of my home.
The rose has beautiful leaves, but it also has large thorns, and I am reminded of the thorns Christ wore in my behalf. The rose represents Jesus, but the thorns bring remembrance of the suffering He went through for me... and you.....
This is the greatest love story of all time..... Think on the rose.....
“...Whatsoever things are lovely... think on these things.”
Philippians 4:8 KJV
© 2012 Arlene Schwartzkopf