My brother is an engineer who, in years past, worked for a large power company. At times his job included some interesting challenges...
His company had built a large power generator in another state, and when they started it up it began to overheat. If the problem couldn't be corrected within twenty-four hours the generator would burn itself up, at a cost of half a million dollars. So the company sent my brother there to trouble-shoot the problem (already losing valuable time as he travelled.).
He worked with the men on site, going over the schematics for the generator and checking every possible trouble point, but they could not find the problem. So he went back to his room to get a little rest and weigh what to do next. He prayed that God would show him what was needed. In that time of rest, God told him that a light switch had been wired backward, and He showed him precisely where it was.
When he went back and checked it out, he found exactly what the Lord had shown him and was able to correct the error. With God's help the generator was saved!
God is so gracious to help when we call upon Him!
"He shall call upon me, and I will answer him."
Psalm 91:15 KJV
© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf