Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wisdom Through The Years

Being "old" is not so bad... "living" gives a clearer view
Of that which is important and of all that we should do.
Wisdom and experience only gather through the years,
And become a reservoir of wealth which guides and steers.

Young ones have good energy... for causes they will fight.
Sometimes when they labor hard, they use up strength and might.
Useful insights they will gain from what they have been through.
They will have perspective which is "opened up" and new.

Through the years are lessons learned in how to wisely live.
As we understand God's ways much wisdom He will give.
Even then, when we are old, our God is faithful still
To guide and teach and show us and to add to us new "skill".

"The glory of young men is their strength, and the beauty of old men is their gray head (suggesting wisdom and experience)."
Proverbs 20:29 Amplified Bible

© 2010 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Seek His Face

We have one life and should carefully measure
All that we do, for life is a treasure.
Only by wisdom and prayer make decisions,
Lest if they're wrong we can't make revisions.

Sometimes results will lead to wrong course
And cause us much sorrow, pain and remorse.
Lives can be detoured and suffer high cost.
Resource and time, e'en health, may be lost.

Hindsight is great but "after-the-fact".
We need God's wisdom and lead 'fore we act.
If we're not sure, we should hesitate.
Our God will guide us... it's better to wait.

"Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me."
Psalm 63:7-8 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Monday, August 29, 2011

God In The Workplace

My brother is an engineer who, in years past, worked for a large power company. At times his job included some interesting challenges...

His company had built a large power generator in another state, and when they started it up it began to overheat. If the problem couldn't be corrected within twenty-four hours the generator would burn itself up, at a cost of half a million dollars. So the company sent my brother there to trouble-shoot the problem (already losing valuable time as he travelled.).

He worked with the men on site, going over the schematics for the generator and checking every possible trouble point, but they could not find the problem. So he went back to his room to get a little rest and weigh what to do next. He prayed that God would show him what was needed. In that time of rest, God told him that a light switch had been wired backward, and He showed him precisely where it was.

When he went back and checked it out, he found exactly what the Lord had shown him and was able to correct the error. With God's help the generator was saved!

God is so gracious to help when we call upon Him!

"He shall call upon me, and I will answer him."
Psalm 91:15 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Power Over The Enemy

The enemy studies to set his sly traps
And hides his intentions in enticing wraps,
Trying to sidetrack or spoil or devour.
But he is no match for God's holy power.

God will expose his wiles and deceit.
God is our tower, our strength, our retreat.
There we abide and always return.
There we find wisdom and power to discern.

As we are focused, with eyes on the Lord,
Using the Word, His two-edged sword,
We can avoid the enemy's ruse.
By "living" the Word, his plans we diffuse.

"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world."
I John 4:4 KJV

© 2010 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Saturday, August 27, 2011


The Lord will give us beauty which increases over time
As we pursue His wisdom and desire high mounts to climb.
Walking in His wisdom will create a blessed story
Which reaches out to others and will bring God praise and glory.

Reflections of the past then become a lovely book
Which we can visit often and enjoy a second look.
The book will be "oasis" when we're tired or need a lift,
Authored by the hand of God and given as a gift.

Reflections of His handiwork are precious and unique,
Written in our lives, great encouragement to speak.
What the Lord has done with us cannot be robbed away
But stands for all eternity, it's story to replay.

"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation."
Psalm 68:19 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Friday, August 26, 2011

Come Home

The voice of the Lord is calling today
To all who have wandered and gone astray,
"Sinners, come home. It's time to release
All worldly folly so you may find peace."

You may have success on worldly planes...
Don't forfeit your soul for these kinds of gains.
The cost is too high to lose your reward...
Heavenly riches and peace with the Lord.

Jesus stands ready to welcome you home.
Return to the fold from where'er you roam.
He will forgive you, and Heav'n will rejoice
On the joyous occasion when you make this choice.

"I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance."
Luke 15:7 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Measure Of A Life

If a life could be reviewed, what would be the sum of it?
What would be the greatness which to others would bring benefit?
Let us leave an imprint in the lives of those we touch,
To be a light for Jesus to those He loves so much.

Life cannot be measured in the confines of the mind,
But through our service to the Lord are riches left behind.
And these become a a reservoir which can be drawn upon
By many who have known us, even after we are gone.

If a life could be reviewed, what should be the sum of it?
What should be the greatness which to others would bring benefit?
Let our lives be worthy and bring blessing to the Lord.
For this we are created, and in this is great reward.

"Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves."
Psalm 100:3 KJV

© 2010 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Order Is Golden

When living for God, there is order to life.
His wisdom and tenets will guard us from strife.
His Word gives us balance and helps us to stay
Away from those things which would cause us to stray.

Keep the doors closed to all conflict and sin.
These two intruders cause turmoil within,
Robbing our time and disrupting our peace.
Order demands that confusion must cease.

We must clean house if disorder rules.
Prayer and obedience are really good tools.
When we are diligent, God will respond
And give us reward... above and beyond.

"For God is not the author of confusion..."
I Corinthians 14:33 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Ideas from God bring innovation,
Leading one to bright creation...
Art or music or design,
Or something which will truly shine.

In God we are not limited,
Nor should we feel inhibited.
What He causes us to see
Is then a possibility.

If in Him we will believe,
He will help us to perceive
How to do what He has shown...
Which we couldn't do alone!

"For the Lord shall be thy confidence..."
Proverbs 3:26 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Blessed Day

Draw nigh unto the Lord in the stillness of the morn.
Let His sweet tranquillity your heart and thoughts adorn.
He brings beauty to each day beyond what we have known
And reassures us He is there... we will not walk alone.

Stride by stride He takes us through the "hurdles" of the day.
With love and joy and peace He protects us from the "fray".
We can have serenity and joy in all we do,
He gives us perspective and the strength to carry through.

And when our day is done we have quiet and blessed calm.
His presence has been with us as a helpful, soothing balm.
When He walks beside us every day will be A-One.
We can rest in stillness and be glad for what He's done.

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee."
Isaiah 26:3 KJV

"In thy presence is fulness of joy."
Psalm 16:11 KJV

© 2010 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Sunday, August 21, 2011

People Who Inspire - Toni

Toni met Jesus as her personal Savior while living in Saudi Arabia. One night she was praying, and the Lord came and met her in that lonely, faraway place. He filled her with the fullness of His Spirit and His love. The most striking thing about her was her love for Jesus. She knew Him and knew His heart in a very tender way. She would spend long hours praying, waiting on Him, listening to Him, talking with Him, singing and dancing before Him. She had a heart of worship toward Him.

She had an intense fervor and gifting to tell others about Him, and she did it in the supermarket, the restaurant, the dentist's office, the auto mechanic's shop, in her neighborhood, over the telephone, at the gym where she worked out, at the butcher's, at the bakery... Jesus was her best friend! She prayed and ministered to hurting people with great compassion and sensitivity, always encouraging and lifting up others. Always she would challenge and spur you on to good works, causing you to stretch, and then helping you to laugh at yourself if the stretching time was clumsy or difficult. Her spirit of joy was unquenchable and irrestible and contagious. To be around her always was fun. This all sounds so happy and almost easy, but it is only part of her story...

She was utterly reliant on God's grace in her health and circumstance, because she suffered from Addison's disease. Some days she would really struggle with lack of energy and would call for prayer. She dealt graciously and fought valiantly with difficult family issues, caring for her grancdhildren while often not feeling well.

In the last year of her life her strength seemed to wane, and in May 2001 she was diagnosed as having pancreatic cancer. She believed God would heal her, and she proceeded to witness to every doctor and nurse she met, praying with a number of them, right up until the end. She never doubted and she complained little... As she slipped away to be with Jesus her ten-year-old grandson was in the next room singing a song called, "Like An Eagle".

Toni was a great woman of God. Her name was not famous, but her life was a lesson which needed to be recorded for others. Perhaps in memory the impact of her life will be even greater than when she was here as others follow in her footsteps.

"Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all."
Proverbs 31:29 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Priorities As Fences

A farmer knows that when his fences are down his cattle will stray and wander. His herds are his wealth, so good oversight is a priority. His attention to his flock guarantees his well-being and sustenance.

Having good priorities in place is the surest road to success, and it eliminates many problems along the way. Keeping those priorities in place will need focus, hard work and maintenance, but these are labors which bring positive return.

Priorities then become as fences which protect and guard all that is important to us."

"Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds."
Proverbs 27:23 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Friday, August 19, 2011

People Who Inspire - Emma

My girlhood memories of my Aunt Emma are many. I spent time at her home during the summer months and was always amazed at how many different things she accomplished...

She had a fairly large property, and every square inch of it showed her loving touch. She had a large vegetable garden, and fruit trees, and berry bushes and plants. She raised a few chickens. Her yard included flowers of many kinds, including a lily pond with goldfish in it. Her plants were perfectly groomed and seemed to flourish at her touch. Her home was immaculate... she was a true homemaker. She canned and baked and made pies to freeze, which she would use through the winter. Her home-canned dill pickles were the best! She sewed many of her own clothes and crocheted hats to wear, doilies, intricate, lacy table cloths, and even made large braided rugs for her home. Also, she raised canaries and sold them.

She was widowed from her first husband and then later remarried. In her retirement years she began to babysit children during the day (somtimes as many as six at a time), and by doing this she helped to pay off the little home they had bought. A few years later she was widowed a second time.

What an amazing lady! She was crippled from a fall she had had early in life, and one leg was shorter than the other. But she never let it slow her down in any way. Now alone for a second time, she would still "prosper". She raised canaries, violet plants, tomato plants and geraniums, and then when they were in their prime she would put an ad in the "Nickel Ads" Newspaper and sell them. This way she had some extra spending money.

At age 88 Emma was tending flowers in her garden one day and was bitten by a brown recluse spider. The pain and itching were excruciating and ongoing, and she never found relief until she went home to be with the Lord at age 92. But even during these last few years she was never idle. She said that each day she would pray for every member of her family and for all the relatives whose names she knew. She loved the Lord and was a very remarkable woman.

"Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all."
Proverbs 31:29 KJV

© 2010 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I Sure Need Grace!

To deal with events of this week
My attitude may need a "tweak"!
Some days it's hard not to grumble
When everything is in a jumble!

The first thing I must do is smile
And pray how to get through this "trial".
Order is better than trouble.
Without it, confusion may double.

So I will rise up and be merry
And do that which seems necessary.
God's joy will help my frustration.
He will bring forth inspiration.

No matter the challenge I face,
I can get through by God's grace.
Plan A is to pray and not grumble.
Plan B is pray more and stay humble!

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
Philippians 4:13 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Draw Nigh Unto God

Draw nigh unto God in times of great fear.
He is our refuge should "panic" come near.
Oh, what great comfort, to be in His shelter
When things all around us become helter-skelter.

Take time to pray... breathe in His deep peace
Until His tranquillity brings sweet release.
Rest in His shelter... don't let fear return.
Give to the Lord your every concern.

His hand is steady when we're feeling weak.
He is our strength when outlook seems bleak.
Should we feel panic, remember He's able
To keep us in peace and quietly stable.

"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters."
Psalm 23:3 KJV

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, (Whose power no foe can withstand)."
Psalm 91:1 Amplified Bible

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Grandma's Quilts

It is fascinating to me... how my grandmother would save remnants and scraps of fabric and then sew them together to make beautiful quilts. The scraps were small and not useful for any other purpose, and yet became part of a beautiful design because of her diligence and her careful stitchery. Her quilt-tops were not stitched together by machine, as today's quilts are, but were carefully stitched by hand with a blanket stitch in a lovely "decoupage" of colors and prints. She did not let any scraps of fabric go to waste.

I am reminded of her lovely quilts when sometimes the pieces of my life feel scattered and there seem to be remnants here and there which don't fit together. I have gone through seasons where everything was in scraps, and it seemed that all possibility of putting them back together was gone.

But God doesn't look at it that way. He will gather up every scrap... and even find some you have lost. Then, with great love and caring, He takes these pieces and starts to create beauty where there was nothing, or where there was a mess. He creates a new "quilt" with lasting beauty, and His handiwork is strong and enduring.

I have learned that His love and caring are as a coverlet over my life in every season.

"For he hath said, 'I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee'."
Hebrews 13:5 KJV

© 2010 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Monday, August 15, 2011

Practicing Peace

Practice kindness to all, but especially toward those of whom you're critical. You may discover hidden gold.

Bless those you do not care for... it will change your heart.

Respond in love when harshness strikes... staying humble beautifies.

Have integrity. When others know they can trust you, it breaks down tensions and barriers.

Seek peace... BE peaceful. Your peace may be contagious.

Speak positively... create light. Thoughtful words shape who you are.

Pray for peace to be all around you. Trust God... wait upon Him for answers.

Be an instrument of peace.

"If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men."
Romans 12:18 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Sunday, August 14, 2011

True Beauty

True beauty comes from deep within
And shines through on one's face,
Radiating warmth and light,
And showing forth God's grace.

God's beauty in the heart of man
Reflects in how we look
And speaks a lovely message,
Even as a treasured book.

God's pure light comes forth with love
And joy and peace and glory,
Coupled with serenity,
Which speaks a lovely story.

"Ye are the light of the world..."
Matthew 5:14 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Wonderful Friend

I had a special lady friend, and she was really small,
But in her spirit she was strong... a "warrior" nine feet tall!
She loved Jesus and His Word and always was in prayer.
She shone brightly in her walk and was His "Good News" bearer.

She was bright and cheery, and to others would reach out,
Bringing them encouragement... to help free them from doubt.
She worked hard from morn till night but never did complain,
And gave her life in every way to further Kingdom gain.

What an inspiration! To know her was a pleasure,
For she had wisdom stored within... her life was a rich treasure.
Sometimes when I'm struggling I'm reminded of this friend.
Though she's now in heaven, her example does not end.

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven,."
Matthew 5:16 KJV

© 2010 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Friday, August 12, 2011

Sharing With Others

We may have ease... and even excess...
So if we try, we can live on less.
Then we can share or give a good gift,
Which then will bring a much-needed lift.

God brings return when we choose to give.
And sharing is surely a blessed way to live.
When we reach out we bring hope and cheer,
Encouraging others whose lives may be drear.

Keeping things simple and living with less
Will help us have "extra"... some others to bless.
When we decide to share we will find
It is so joyous to give and be kind!

"Charge them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be liberal and generous-hearted, ready to share with others."
I Timothy 6:18 Amplified Bible

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Thursday, August 11, 2011

God's Faithfulness

God's mercies are new ev'ry morn,
Our lives with His joy to adorn.
Each day is a gift with good news,
His blessings on which we should muse.

No matter the bad news we hear,
The news of our God gives us cheer.
We can rise up and hold our heads high
As we hear His voice and to Him draw nigh.

As we're in worship, the world "fades away",
And we are aware of His goodness each day.
He is our focus and joy and delight.
Because of His faithfulness, our days are bright.

"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

God's Gift Of Grace

We're not self-sufficient.
We will always need God's grace.
And when we think we're "quite okay"
We need to seek His face.

Grace is His provision
To make up for all our lack,
Which we can't take for granted
And begin to be "laid-back".

How we need His grace each day!
From busyness take pause
To thank God for this precious gift
Which covers all our flaws.

"And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness."
II Corinthians 12:9 KJV

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."
Ephesians 2:8 KJV

© 2010 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Prayer Works

Prayer reaches 'cross the miles,
Bringing healing, bringing smiles,
Breaking barriers, making change,
Or circumstance to rearrange.

God hears prayer, and He is able
To make situations stable.
Nothing is too hard for Him.
Even though all hopes seem dim.

God will always do what's best.
Trust in Him and be at rest.
Prayer works when we believe
And trust in Him that we'll receive.

"Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear."
Isaiah 59:1 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Monday, August 08, 2011

A Portrait Of God's Love

Rejoice in God's great artistry and lovely handiwork,
His excellence and beauty in array for all to see,
For mountains, plains and shining seas, for waterfalls and streams,
For trees which tower toward the heav'ns and flowers which are wee...

For light He gives us in the day and starshine through the night,
For the very air we breathe and wildflower's fragrant scent,
For dew upon the grass at dawn and wind to cool the heat of day,
For birds who warble, sing and call when day is almost spent.

Creation's endless beauty is a portrait of God's caring,
Reminder of His lovingkindness all throughout the land.
Pause and take a moment to reflect and sing God's praises.
Everything we see is created by His hand.

"O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!"
Psalm 8:9 KJV

"I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High."
Psalm 9:1-2 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Learning To Climb

When we want to reach the top of a mount,
Of skills we will need we must take account.
If we will gain that ultimate goal,
In lessons on climbing we must enroll.

We learn to walk one step at a time,
And it is the same when we learn to climb.
How do we know our footing is sure
If in the Lord we are not mature?

Scaling a mount brings us to high places.
Lest we might fall, we must know God's graces.
Deep in His wisdom will we find our skill
And ultimately know the mountain top's thrill.

"It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect. He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places."
Psalm 18:32-33 KJV

© 2010 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Children Are People Too

Children are precious, and each child is a unique and wonderful creation... a gift from God. But, sadly, some people treat their pets better than they treat their children.

Children are little people. And though they don't know much about life when they are tiny, they deserve respect. Children respond nicely if they are treated in a kind and loving manner. And they need our help to learn about life. They will learn about relationship from the way we treat them. We teach by our actions.

As they grow, their perspective on life is fresh and clear and really worthy listening to. Often we don't give them our hearing because we are too rushed or busy. It is important to listen as they express themselves so they will have a feeling of worthiness and not feel rejected. Jesus took time for children. Should we not do the same for these precious, little people?

"And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me."
"Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father, which is in heaven."
Matthew 18:5, 10 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Friday, August 05, 2011

A Healed Heart

Repentance is a flowing stream
To heal the heart and lives redeem,
Releasing one from guilt and shame
And finding peace in Jesus' name.

Repentance brings a fresh new start...
It purifies an aching heart,
Relieving it from weight of sin
And purifying deep within.

Oh, what blessed state of mind
When deep repentance we shall find,
To know the mercy of the Lord
And have His glorious reward.

"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness: but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
II Peter 3:9 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Think Young

In God I have promise of goodness and joy.
All of His "blessings" I need to employ.
I'm seeing things which I missed before.
When life was too fast, I didn't "explore".

As I am focused and to Him attuned,
There I am cushioned and safely cocooned.
To be in His will is a heartfelt desire,
For deep in my spirit He fans a new fire.

Why should I think that I'm just too "old"
To do a new work... or something quite bold?
If God is the author of some new forte',
I only need follow... He'll show me the way.

Old age won't cause me to get all unstrung.
I have decided that I will think young!
I don't move fast, but give things more thought...
Taking time to be thankful... as all of us ought!

"Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit."
Jeremiah 17:7-8 KJV

© 2010 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Wise Counsel

Be careful of counsel and who it comes from.
Some "counsel" can lead us to days that are glum.
It may sound okay be still not be right.
Wise counsel will lead us to days that are bright.

To be in a hurry can lead us astray.
Decisions we always should carefully weigh
And not push ahead until we are sure
The path we are on is not a detour.

If counsel we get aligns with God's Word,
Of peace and strong footing we are assured.
Prayer and counsel become as a treasure
When we have a challenge to carefully measure.

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly..."
Psalm 1:1 KJV

"Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety."
Proverbs 11:14 KJV

"Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end."
Proverbs 19:20 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

America, Pray!

America! God weeps in pain
When leaders show Him their disdain
By selfish purpose wrapped in sin,
Causing turmoil deep within.

America! Be on your knees
And pray that those with expertise
Will work to get us back on track.
It's urgent! We cannot be slack!

God hears prayer and will bring change
If men their "plans" will rearrange.
Pray that order will prevail,
That our great nation shall not fail.

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance."
Psalm 33:12 KJV

© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf

Monday, August 01, 2011

A Special Delight

The weather was hot, and my lawn needed a lot of watering. Because all the neighbors were also watering my water pressure wan't as high as normal. Ths spray from my sprinkler wasn't reaching as far as I needed it to.

As I stood there studying the situation God created the most delightful moment for me. A little hummingbird came and, hovering in the air, began to drink from the edges of the water spray. After several sips of water, it flew into the midst of the spray and began to take a bath. It lingered there, fluttering it's wings and tail feathers over and over in the water and then flew up and perched on a nearby tree limb. I never saw a hummingbird just sitting still before. Oh! How tiny it was!

Then this little guy came back down into the water spray and just seemed to be dancing gracefully here and there as he moved around in the spray before he finally flew away.

What a delightful moment! When I went out to set my sprinkler up my heart had been heavy. And it seemed like God sent this little messenger of joy to cheer me up. It just reassured me that God saw my need. I think God must have taken great joy when He created the little hummingbird.

© 2010 Arlene Schwartzkopf