Have you ever noticed how a Christian has a smile
Which is bright and filled with happiness, with absence of all guile?
Jesus Christ sets people free from sin's dark stain and curse
And fills them with His radiant joy... sin's patterns to reverse.
Sin is as a "warp" on man, distorting who he is,
And robbing him of God's potential, blocking what is his.
Even his appearance will have shadows which are dark...
Maybe only subtly, but a certain look or mark.
When Jesus sets a person free, the shadows disappear.
The love of God transforms that life and he is filled with cheer.
Beauty which the Lord designed will surface and be bright.
Shadowed places which were dark will now be filled with light.
"For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light."
Ephesians 5:8 KJV
© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf