Gossips are like grubworms
That live down in the dirt
And look for "roots" to chew upon.
For gossips, be alert!
"Grubworms" like to chew and chew.
Beware that they not chew on you!
What they do is undetected
Till a plant is sore affected.
The gossip thrives on others' news
And like the grubworm chews and chews.
When gossips from the truth meander
Sometimes gossip becomes slander.
Gossip is a friendship-spoiler,
Of peace... a robber and a foiler.
Wisdom says to not tell much
To those inclined toward "news" and such.
"The words of a whisperer or slanderer are like dainty morsels or words of sport (to some, but to others are like deadly wounds); and they go down into the innermost parts of the body (or of the victim's nature)."
Proverbs 26:22 Amplified Bible
© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf