While the day is very young, I turn to Jesus first,
'Fore with that day's busyness I soon become immersed.
Then I gain a right perspective how my day should go.
I can move with calm and not be bandied to and fro.
Jesus brings an order for the pieces of my day
And helps me sort it's factors... which are good or which are "nay".
He may even move aside the things I thought I'd do
And call to my attention something urgent, fun or new.
Daily schedules are best made before the Lord in prayer.
That way I eliminate much needless wear and tear.
When the day is very young I make a well-learned choice...
To spend some time apart with Him and listen to His voice.
"The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me..."
Psalm 138:8 KJV
© 2011 Arlene Schwartzkopf