When God has given us a call to do a task, the time is now.
He may ask a quick response, for sometimes time does not allow.
For us to pause or lag behind, moving in "our old sweet time."
We could miss an open door when opportunity is prime.
When God shows us what to do, we can't say "later", but say "yes".
Though we may not understand, it's never good to "second-guess".
When He interrupts our path, praise His name, but do not chafe.
The very words which He would speak might even be to keep us safe.
The more we tune in to His voice, the more we can be used of Him.
Without His constant leadership our lives and futures could be dim.
Obedience is that wondrous key which keeps us balanced and alert,
Which causes us to grow in Christ and useless actions to avert.
"To obey is better than sacrifice..."
I Samuel 15:22 KJV
© 2009 Arlene Schwartzkopf