A gentle touch will heal and soothe and set a person free,
For healing comes through nurture and sensitivity.
Wounded folks with deepset need are often tightly bound,
But by the love and grace of God true freedom can be found.
Even simple hurts and "snags" can cause folks to be "numb",
But if we show them love and grace they'll start to overcome.
What joy it is to watch one rise from sorrow into joy
As we by gentleness become to them a needed buoy.
We can cheer so many folks by showing that we care
And lift them out of woundedness just by being there.
They can find the strength to stand because they're not alone
And triumph in their lives again because of love we've shown.
"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."
Proverbs 25:11 KJV
© 2010 Arlene Schwartzkopf