In my spirit I see people in a crowd, and they look like lamps (floor lamps), walking around. And the light which is radiating from these lamps is bright and cheery and sheds warmth.
But as I look more closely, also in this crowd are many walking around who have no light. These people appear as lamp posts... without bulbs, without power... dark and grey. They are in darkness. It's like they are walking in the shadows.
What a picture! This group of people is moving about, "going through the motions" of life, but without expression or meaning. The lamp posts have no beauty or light, and if the "lamps" weren't there they would be in total darkness.
We, as Christians, have a calling to bring light wherever we are. As we let the light of Jesus shine through us we become hope for many. We can offer love, joy and peace by our speech and actions and walk. We can spread cheer by our warmth and demeanor. With the light of Jesus within we enable others to find the Light. Through us God can transform these bleak-looking lamp posts into lovely lamps which will shine brightly. God loves these "lamp posts", and He doesn't want them to be lost.
Be as a lovely lamp. Let your rays of light issue forth. Shine brightly!
"Ye are the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
Matthew 5:13, 16 KJV
© 2009 Arlene Schwartzkopf