Friday, September 18, 2009

A Faithful Messenger

The following story is about something that happened approximately ten years ago, but I am sharing it because the message in it is urgent for these times.

I was at church early one Sunday morning and was approached by a pleasant-looking, gray-haired couple. As the man began to speak I realized they were from a foreign country. He said that they were from Czechoslavakia and that God had given him a message to take to the churches of America. The message was this: "Is this church praying for the children of America? Are YOU praying for the children of America?"

After he spoke, they were gone. Because they left so quickly I pondered at first whether I had just met angels. Whether or not this was true, at this point I knew that this man was a messenger of God to our church.

A week or so later he appeared on a Wednesday evening just before our service. Again he said to me, "Is this church prayinig for the children of America? Are YOU praying for the children of America?" And again, he was gone. And yet a third time he returned and connected with our pastor with his message and then left.

This man had been going from church to church to church, speaking this message which God had given him. I could only praise God for his obedience to leave his homeland in his senior years and bring this message to America. This is even now more urgent than when the Lord first sent him. We must be praying for our children.

© 2009 Arlene Schwartzkopf