When part of my life starts to come together and I think I have it just right, then usually I find something else I need to work on which is lagging behind. It is in these times that I am especially grateful for grace.
Grace waits until I can catch up.
Grace catches me when I fall.
Grace is gentle and always smiles (probably chuckling at my bumbling attempts at times).
Grace is encouragement when I hit hard bumps along the way.
Grace is always the sufficiency which causes me to win, filling the part of the gap between me and the goal which I, of myself, cannot fill.
Grace does not look at my weakness or inability but waits with joyful expectation.
Grace is as light in the darkness and does not leave me alone.
Grace is an "always" friend.
"And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee..."
II Corinthians 12:9 KJV
© 2008 Arlene Schwartzkopf