What started out to be an ordinary evening became memorable in an unexpected way...
My brother and I were having hamburgers in a local fast-food restaurant, and from where we sat I could see the entrance doors. As we chatted I saw people coming and going and didn't pay too much attention... until a certain couple walked in. They were poorly dressed, and both of them were quite tall and large. But what really caught my attention was their hair. They were obviously senior citizens, and both of them had long gray hair. His hair was shoulder-length, and from a distance looked kinda' scruffy. Her hair was tied back and hung halfway down to her waist. It seemed unusual to see a senior woman with hair that long.
As they were by the soda pop machine my brother observed them. I commented about their long hair, and he said, "Haircuts are expensive." They appeared to be poor.
As we left the restaurant this couple was just ahead of us. The man held the door open for her, but she had turned back to put her cup in the trash bin. As I walked out I said to him, "She's coming", and we thanked him for holding the door open. I turned back to smile at her, and as I looked into her face, was totally blown away. I have never seen such KINDNESS in a face. In her smile and in her eyes was a depth of beauty and expression beyond anything I have ever seen in another human being.
Kindness in a face is painted there over time by many acts of love and compassion, by sacrifice and giving, by understanding and selflessness. I knew that this woman knew about love.
After we left the parking lot I realized that they had not eaten while they were there. They only ordered some drinks. They may have been poor, but they were very rich in spirit. It was written in their faces.
What a blessing it was to have just a momentary encounter with this couple.
"Love endures long and is patient and kind..."
I Corinthians 13:4 Amplified Bible
© 2009 Arlene Schwartzkopf