Friday, April 03, 2009

His Favorite Sport

Our doggy grew old... his eyes were quite dim.
He only could see right in front of him.
While out in the yard he bumped into a cat.
Oh, what delight! How much fun was that!

The cat had come out from under a bush.
The dog "came alive", chasing after her... whoosh!
In earlier days, if cats ventured near,
He barked at them loudly and caused them to fear.

To now chase a cat when he barely could see
Was really a treat... he chased her with glee.
He never did catch one, but relished the chase.
And always the kitty cats would win the race.

Our cat was a "friend", but strange ones were game.
He guarded our turf from all cats who came.
Though his age was twelve and his vision was short,
Chasing a cat was his favorite sport.

© 2009 Arlene Schwartzkopf