When we have order and discipline in our lives there is more room for God to work...
Even as it is easier to start a project on a table which has been cleaned off, it is easier for the Lord to present new "projects" or ideas to us when we are prepared and ready and don't have a backlog or pile-up cluttering up our time and space and thinking.
He will show us how to simplify the complex and to sort out the unnecessary from the necessary. He will show us how to pare down our belongings and ideas and time concepts to a workable size so that we are not encumbered by too heavy a load.
What a blessing, when the Lord has something for us, to be able to move right into what He gives us and not have to deal with thought patterns that hinder, unreadiness, or "too much stuff". There is no organization like that which the Lord will give us. For though we may give up much (seemingly), our "gain" and freedom will be ever so much more than we could have anticipated.
"For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace..."
I Corinthians 14:33 KJV
© 2007 Arlene Schwartzkopf