Let our foundations be rebuilt in You.
Let us recover the good and the true.
Help us discern in which way we've made error
And humbly return to a framework of prayer.
Lord, help us reset our sights and our goals,
Lest our present direction take sorrowful tolls.
Forgive us for trying to "do it OUR way"
And not letting You have adequate "say".
We need Your help in this time of great stress
As we undertake the need to address
The challenges caused by our error and pride.
Save us, O God, from evil's ill tide.
Heal our hearts from selfish ambition,
That we might take on a Godly position.
You are our strength and power and might
To help us stand strong for that which is right!
"God is our strength, a very present help in trouble."
Psalm 46:1 KJV
© 2008 Arlene Schwartzkopf