My wind chimes have a gentle sound
As breezes cause them to resound.
As I hear their pretty "ring"
Something in me starts to sing.
Without the breeze chimes don't "say much".
The "music" happens as they touch.
God's Spirit moves through wind and chimes,
Bringing gentle, thoughtful times.
The soothing music which I hear
Brings Jesus' presence very near.
I sense His Spirit in the breeze
Ministering beauty, peace and ease.
... A time of meditation sweet
With the Savior to retreat.
... A time to listen for His voice
And in my spirit to rejoice.
"When He uttereth his voice... he bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures."
Jeremiah 51:16 KJV
© 2007 Arlene Schwartzkopf