Saturday, September 08, 2007


It's good sometimes to reminisce,
Lest we forget just where we're from.
The "good old days" were lots of fun
And helped to shape who we've become!

We didn't have electric lights
And used a woodstove to keep warm.
We hauled water from a well
(And outdoor plumbing was the norm).

My roller skates clamped on my shoes,
My scooter was wheels on a two-by-four.
Radio shows brought much delight...
And five-cent cones at the grocery store.

SOFT ice cream from Dairy Queen
Was new and really tasted sweet.
Comic books cost just a dime,
And drug store sodas were a treat!

All these things bring many smiles
And help to make me realize
That joy was found in simple things.
These are memories I will prize.

© 2007 Arlene Schwartzkopf