Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Little Bit

As a child I often saw my mother sit and crochet. She liked to create lace, so she worked with really fine threads. When she first started a new project her first stitches were so small and fine that it almost appeared there was nothing there in her hands. But she had a mental picture of "the finished design" and would creatively and patiently work to achieve her design. One tiny stitch at a time her lace would begin to take form, until she had a tablecloth or a scarf or doily or other lovely item. These "small beginnings" became lovely works of art.

As I look back I see a real lesson in this. Sometimes big or important or worthwhile things come about one little piece at a time. They just don't happen all at once. They may not even have much form at first. But if we are diligent and keep our eye trained on the goal we can accomplish great and mighty things.

Little bits of time, or money, or effort can accumulate to accomplish something big if we are patient. In this "hurry up" generation everyone wants everything instantly. But what we get quickly will never have the sense of value and accomplishment of that which we have achieved over time..... one small stitch at a time.

© 2007 Arlene Schwartzkopf