My mother, when she was nearing 70, attended a church picnic and, while there, entered a competition...
The men were having a competition to see how fast they could drive three 16-penny nails into a log. Mom grabbed a hammer and three nails, and with three hits on each one drove those nails into the log while the men were standing there with their mouths open. She was the only one who could drive the nails in without bending them.
While this is a humorous picture, what a picture it is! She hit the nails squarely on the head. She took aim at the target and did not miss the mark. She was strong and would do quickly what others might hesitate to do.
It speaks profoundly of who she was and how she lived her life. In any given situation her discernment enabled her to make an accurate evaluation and then do what was neceswsary to be done. She moved quickly, and her actions were always positive and correct.
This was a lady who bravely tackled many different challenges in her long life, conquered many mountains and who wasn't afraid of trying something new..... including pounding nails into a log.
© 2007 Arlene Schwartzkopf