Hilarious Moments
The horse jumped over the fence one day,
For she wanted to eat some oats and some hay.
She went to the barn and opened the door.
By using her teeth she moved the latch o'er.
Then she went in and found oats in a sack,
And she ate much more than just having a snack.
She overdid, and the oats made her sick.
The farmer then thought, "This horse I will trick."
He decided to buy an "electric" fence.
But the horse outwitted the fence with "horse sense".
She listened to hear the "click" the fence made.
It if wasn't turned on, then she wasn't afraid.
Over the fence she jumped with great ease,
Thinking her appetite she would appease.
But the farmer's son saw her and thought with some glee,
"I'll fix this horse... I'm smarter than she."
He found an egg a chicken had laid.
It had been there awhile and was somewhat decayed.
He hid in the barn and stayed very still
Until the horse entered. And then with great skill...
He threw the egg to startle the horse,
And splattered the egg in her mouth with some force.
She ran out the door with her nose to the ground.
With her mouth in the dirt she ran all around.
Then she ran through the marsh, and snorted and neighed.
What a high price for the oats she had paid!
She was dragging her nose to try to erase
The smell and the egg from off of her face.
Grandpa then changed the latch on the door,
But she still tried to get in and find the food "store".
She was much smarter than horses should be.
That she could outwit him, he would agree.
© 2006 Arlene Schwartzkopf