Life's daily struggles oft need "a quick fix".
And we have a "bag" of solutions and tricks
Whereby we can deal with the problem at hand,
Go on with our day and hopefully "stand".
But sometimes the problem persists and comes back,
With possible focus to keep us off track.
We cannot place "band-aids" on this kind of woe
But must face up to facts... or maybe say "no".
This may require change, but change will be good
When the factors are dealt with and well understood.
Shunning a problem... not facing it's "end"...
Just makes matters worse, and your time it will spend.
In dealing with problems we surely will grow.
As we read the Word needed answers we'll know.
All of life's problems are not really new,
But as we seek God He will carry us through.
"Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path....."
Psalm 27:11 KJV
© 2006 Arlene Schwartzkopf