Saturday, June 24, 2006

Forest Story

Fir Tree
Said the fir tree to the fern,
"There is much that you could learn.
It is good to be a fine tall tree,
So you should learn to be like me!"

Said the fern unto the tree,
"Just like you I cannot be.
My roots are not like yours, you see.
I have my own identity."

"When strong winds blow, you bend and shake.
When snowstorms come, you sometimes break.
So even though you're very tall,
You simply do not know it all!"

Fir Tree
"But I give shade and I stay green.
I beautify a winter scene.
And sometimes people need my wood.
All my purpose is for good!"

"Even I enjoy your shade.
But for different purpose we are made.
I am content to just be me...
God did not make of me a tree."

"My place is not so tall to grow,
But to be satisfied here below.
My humble purpose you don't see.
God made a fern when He made me."

"Most men will proclaim each his own goodness. But who can find a faithful man?"
Proverbs 20:6 NKJ

© 2004 Arlene Schwartzkopf