A tired people, worn and weary,
Praying, standing..... in travail.
Hear our prayer and heal our nation.
Let truth be known and light prevail.
Protect our country, we beseech Thee,
Help us stand and not make error.
As darkness threatens to destroy us,
Strengthen us and hear our prayer.
Guide our leaders, keep them strong.
Let them seek to know Your way,
May they always use Your wisdom
Every hour throughout the day.
Quench the fires of hate and turmoil
Stirred within by evil men.
Help us, Lord, to work together,
In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.
"Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers,
intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men,
for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a
quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence."
I Timothy 2:1-2 NKJ
© 2004 Arlene Schwartzkopf