Monday, January 09, 2006

Violet Seasons

The Lesson of the Violet
Seasons of Rest

I saw my little violet plant,
So full of lovely bloom.....
But it's little pot it would outgrow,
It's roots would need more room.

So when it found a larger "home"
Where it's roots could spread and grow,
It needed time to gain new strength
Before again it's bloom would show.

You couldn't see it doing much.....
It wasn't getting "oohs" and "aahs",
But hidden growth was happening
During this time of rest and pause.

Until the pot it's roots could fill,
It needed nurture, love and care,
And when it's timing was complete
Again it's blossom would be there.


Thank You for giving seasons of rest..... those quiet times for finding nurture and new strength in You. For when I am rested and strengthened in You, then I can blossom again.....

In Jesus' Name.

"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him....."
Psalm 37:7 NKJ

© 2003 Arlene Schwartzkopf