Ruth was a woman who had a bubbly personality and who loved the Lord with all her heart. She was a woman of prayer, and she believed in His healing power.
When she was eighty-four she went into the hospital for evaluation of a liver condition. Her husband Milt came to see her in the evening, and as he came into the room he heard the woman in the bed next to Ruth crying. (I never learned the name of the other lady, but will call her Mary for purposes of this story). Milt poked his head in through the curtains around Mary's bed to see what was the matter.....
Mary, who was seventy-five years old, had been brought into the hospital with severe pain from arthritis in both hands and both feet. Her hands were very crippled, and her feet were twisted out of shape. She could no longer walk and had been in a wheelchair for several years. She was crying from the intensity of the pain. Milt asked her if she would let his wife Ruth pray for her because Ruth believed in the healing power of God. She said, "yes." So Ruth got up from out of her own hospital bed and went over and laid hands on Mary and prayed for healing.
Around 4:00 a.m., the next morning, Ruth heard Mary call out quietly, "Ruth, Ruth." Then again she called, "Ruth, get up. Come here." So Ruth got up and went to see what Mary wanted. God had totally healed both of Mary's hands and both of her feet. She was excited and wanted to show Ruth.
Mary said to Ruth, "Just wait. I'm going to get up and take a shower", which she did with no help. Then she got herself dressed, and she was able to even button her own clothes, which she could not do before. Now all this was going on without the nurses down the hall even realizing these two women were up.
Mary was rejoicing and she wanted to tell somebody. So she and Ruth went down the long hallway to the nurses' station. When they got there one of the nurses asked, "What can I do for you?"
Mary answered, "Nothing! Ruth here prayed for me and I don't need anything!" She was healed and she was free of pain. Her hands and feet were normal again.
When Mary came into the hospital she was in a wheelchair. When she went home she was able to walk out of the hospital.....
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today
and forever."
Hebrews 13:8 NKJ
© 2005 Arlene Schwartzkopf