Sunday, October 16, 2005


When summer starts to yawn and
yields her tired labors.....

Autumn steps in with enthusiasm of color and
paints her bright note far and wide.

Surely it seems that God "pulls out all the stops"
in brilliant display of color!

A lovely space in time...... with rich bounty of harvest,
with brisk, invigorating air,
with flurries of activities in preparation
for the new season.

A time of exaltation and thanksgiving
as we celebrate the beauty of creation and
the fullness of God's provision for us.

And then the leaves begin to fall
as all nature seeks a time of rest.

And as winter knocks in her own time,
autumn shuts her door quietly and slips away.

But in memory, our hearts have been warmed
against the coldness of winter
by a very loving God!

"The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord."
Psalm 33:5b NKJ

©2004 Arlene Schwartzkopf